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It’s important to have your child’s eyes examined regularly. A comprehensive eye exam can detect vision problems, assess your child’s risks for certain eye diseases, and ensure that their eyes are healthy, in most cases, issues are reversible if caught early. One in five school-aged children will experience a vision problem1 so
it is important to visit an optometrist regularly. Vision correction can even be achieved with minimal interventions.

1Good Vision For Life, Optometry Australia, 2022 Vision Index Report.

How often should kids get eye exams?

Just like adults, kids need to have their eyes checked on a regular basis. In fact, children are more susceptible to vision problems because their eyes are still developing. Kids go through vision changes as they grow. That’s why it’s so important to book your child an eye examination. How often you should test your kids’ eyes will depend on their age and risk factors.  

So, if your child hasn’t had an eye exam in a while, now is the time to schedule one. Eye exams are an important part of maintaining your child’s health, so be sure to schedule an eye exam based on your optometrist’s recommendation. With regular eye exams and the right glasses, you can help your child see the world more clearly. 

Common vision problems in kids and how they can be treated

Look for signs 

There are a few ways to know if there could be an issue with your child’s eyesight.  

If your child is constantly rubbing their eyes or holding objects close to their face or squinting, this could be a sign that they are struggling to see with distance vision or have blurry vision.  

If your child’s eyes seem to be crossing or wandering (also known as a lazy eye) this could indicate that they are having difficulty seeing.  

Some eye problems can be hereditary so knowing your family history can be helpful when seeing the eye doctor.  

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take your child to a paediatrician or optometrist so that they can be evaluated. It is essential to catch any vision problems early on so that they can be treated properly.  

Common Problems

There are a number of common eye problems that can affect children that would need to be identified by an optometrist.  

Refractive Error 

Refractive error is when the eye doesn’t focus light in the right way which is due to the eye being too long or too short.  


One other common vision problem in children is amblyopia, which is also known as lazy eye. This occurs when one eye is weaker than the other, and it can cause the child to have difficulty seeing things clearly.  


This is when the eyes are not aligned properly and is another issue children encounter and can lead to double vision or blurriness.

What is digital strain and how much does this impact kids?



What is digital eye strain?

Eye strain is the physical discomfort felt after two or more hours in front of a digital screen and is associated with staring at a close to mid-range fixed distance.

What causes digital eye strain?

On average, people of working age in Australia now spend over 6 hours a day staring at screens*, causing our eyes to look at a fixed distance for long periods of time putting immense strain on your eye muscles. Spending significant amounts of time staring at screens also causes our blink rates to reduce, resulting in eye irritation.

What are the symptoms of digital eye strain?

  • Overseas studies have shown that up to 90% of computer users (and other screens) suffer visual
    symptoms^, these include:
  • Tired eyes: A deficiency of tears. The main symptom is usually a scratchy or sandy feeling as if something is in the eye.
  • Dry eyes: When eyes feel achy, weak, or heavy due to intense use.
  • Headaches: A continuous pain in the head.
  • Eye irritation (itchy and burning): Mild eye redness, itching, or tearing.
  • Blurred vision: Refers to a lack of sharpness of vision resulting in the inability to see fine detail.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, please book an appointment with your local EyeQ Optometrist to discuss further.

Tips on avoiding eye strain:

  • Ensure you have the appropriate vision correction for you
  • Remind yourself to blink while working
  • Adjust your computer screen so it’s one arm’s length in front of your face
  • Reduce the amount of overhead and surrounding light that is competing with your device’s screen
  • Have eye tests annually
  • Consider our range of tailored lenses designed specifically for work comfort
* Source: Milward Brown 2014 AdReaction Report
^ Source: Reddy SC et al. Computer Vision Syndrome: a study of knowledge and practices in university students. Nepal J Ophthalmol 2013;5(10):161-168. (found Prevalence 89.9)
The different types of frames and lenses that are available for kids.

Picking the perfect pair of kids glasses is important, as they will be wearing them every day. 

There are a few things to keep in mind when picking kids glasses.  

First, you want to make sure they are comfortable. Then, make sure to pick a pair that they feel confident in. Children grow quickly and they will probably need a new pair of glasses every two to three years.  

With these tips in mind, you should be able to find the perfect pair of kids glasses!  

For more tips on How to select the best frames for your face | EyeQ Optometrists 

Kid's Prescription Glasses Options

If your child does need prescription eyewear, there are a few different options available. First, you’ll need to decide whether glasses or contact lenses are right for your child.  

As kids eyes are changing as they grow, the prescription may change as well, so having routine eye checks and looking out for any changes in vision will help to continue supporting your child’s eye needs.  

Glasses are generally a good choice for younger children because they’re easy to care for and less likely to get lost. Contact lenses may be a better option for older kids who are more responsible and can be trusted to take care of them properly.  

We have a wide range of Prescription Lens Options – EyeQ Optometrists 

Lens Options for Kids

There are also different types of lenses available, such as standard single-vision lenses or bifocal lenses. Single-vision lenses correct for either nearsightedness or farsightedness, while bifocal lenses can correct for both conditions.  

If your child has astigmatism, there are special lenses called toric lenses that can correct this condition. As children are so active, a shatterproof plastic called polycarbonate lenses may be a good option.  

Choosing The Right Frames

There are a few things to consider when choosing the first pair of frames for your child such as style, function and durability. For example, if your child is active, you’ll want to make sure that their frames can withstand rough play.  

Protect eyes by requesting a UV filter on the lens. You’ll also want to think about the size and shape of the frames in relation to your child’s face. It’s important to choose a frame that is a good snug fit, whilst being comfortable and stylish. You may also want to choose something that matches your child’s unique personality.  

There is a wide range of bright colours, patterns and styles that kids love and will want to wear.  

Check out our prescription kids glasses Prescription Lens Options – EyeQ Optometrists

Tips for taking care of kids glasses.

Parents of kids who wear glasses know that taking care of them can be a challenge. Here are a few tips to help you keep your child’s glasses clean and in good condition.

  • Brush or wipe them down every day. Dust, dirt, and fingerprints can build up on the lenses and make it difficult for your child to see. Be careful when cleaning them. Use only gentle cleansers and avoid using any kind of abrasive material, which could scratch the lenses.
  • Inspect the frames regularly. Look for cracks or breaks that could cause the glasses to break when they’re being worn. If you find any damage, take the glasses to a professional for repair or replacement.
  • Keep them safe. Teach your child to put their glasses in a safe place when they’re not wearing them, such as a case or a designated spot in their room. This will help to prevent them from getting lost or broken.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your child’s glasses are always clean and in good condition.

With so many choices available, it can be hard to pick the perfect pair of kids glasses.

Our optical dispensers are experts in helping you find the right frames and lenses for your child’s individual needs. We can also help you with any questions you have about taking care of your kid’s glasses.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about how to choose the right glasses for your child.


Our contact lens provider Alcon is experiencing delays fulfilling orders due to a cyber-security incident involving their freight partner, Toll Group. These delays are across their entire network of optical retailers in Australia. We apologise for an inconvenience caused and encourage you to contact your local EyeQ practice for any urgent requirements.